Publications from 2025
Mechanistic stochastic model of histone modification pattern formation Article
Epigenetics & Chromatin, 30:1-30:16.October 2014 -
MonetDB Oct2014 feature release Software
October 2014 -
Controlling maximum evaluation duration in on-line and on-board evolutionary robotics Article
Evolving Systems, 1-12.October 2014 -
October 2014
October 2014
Enabling 3D Tele-Immersion with Live Reconstructed Mesh Geometry with Fast Mesh Compression and Linear Rateless Coding Article
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(7), 1809-1820.October 2014 -
October 2014
Deliverable D6.4 Scenario Demonstrators (v2) Tech Report
September 2014 -
Deliverable D1.4 Visual, text and audio information analysis for hypervideo, final release Tech Report
September 2014 -
Massively parallel read mapping on GPUs with the q-group index and PEANUT Article
PeerJ, e606:1-e606:23.September 2014 -
High-throughput simulation studies of angiogenesis : reverse engineering the role of tip cells and pericytes in vascular development Dissertation
Evolutionary IntelligenceSeptember 2014 -
September 2014
September 2014
Combining model-based EAs for Mixed-Integer problems In Proceedings
September 2014 -
September 2014
The gravitational billion body problem Dissertation
Scientific ComputingSeptember 2014 -
September 2014
Comparative analysis of tertiary control systems for smart grids using the Flex Street model Article
Renewable Energy, 260-270.September 2014 -
September 2014
Runtime Optimizations for Tree-Based Machine Learning Models Article
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(9), 2281-2292.September 2014 -
Refining Piecewise Stationary Approximation for a Markov-Regulated Fluid Queue Article
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 42(2), 15-17.September 2014 -
On the probability of current and temperature overloading in power grids: A large deviations approach Article
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 42(2), 33-35.September 2014 -
Parametric estimation of the stochastic dynamics of sea surface winds Article
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 71(9), 3465-3483.September 2014 -
September 2014
September 2014
Een nieuw netwerk via de Campus Challenge - SURF Magazine Article
September 2014 -
September 2014
Accelerating Big Data Analytics with Vector Processing: A Q&A with Peter Boncz of Actian - BeyeNETWORK Magazine Article
September 2014 -
Iedereen op het net! Dus alles wordt anders.. - inGovernment Magazine Article
September 2014 -
5,4 miljoen Nederlandse domeinnamen - Ingenieur Magazine Article
September 2014 -
Promotie- ESB Economisch Statistische Berichten Magazine Article
September 2014 -
Complexe software - Eindhovens Dagblad Magazine Article
September 2014 -
1,5 miljoen voor studies naar drones en robots - Computable Magazine Article
September 2014 -
De privacygevaren van big data - Business Inforrmation Magazine Magazine Article
September 2014 -
Code Specialization for Memory Efficient Hash Tries In Proceedings
September 2014 -
September 2014
Design, Development and Assessment of Control Schemes for IDMS in a Standardized RTCP-based Solution Article
Computer Networks Journal , 70(9), 240-259.September 2014 -
Asymmetric Delay in Video-Mediated Group Discussions In Proceedings
September 2014 -
Reflection without remorse: revealing a hidden sequence to speed up monadic reflection In Proceedings
September 2014 -
Finite-difference schemes for anisotropic diffusion Article
Journal of Computational Physics, 562-549.September 2014 -
Application of uncertainty quantification in energy In Proceedings
September 2014 -
Non-intrusive uncertainty quantification In Proceedings
September 2014 -
Coalgebraic semantics of heavy-weighted automata Tech Report
September 2014 -
Recent software developments for special functions in the Santander-Amsterdam project Article
Science of Computer Programming, 90(Part A), 42-54.September 2014 -
Sparse Tomographic Reconstruction of Brain Tissue from Serial Section Electron Microscopy In Proceedings
August 2014 -
Sparse Tomographic Reconstruction of Brain Tissue from Serial Section Electron Microscopy Proceedings
August 2014 -
August 2014
CytomicsDB: A Metadata-Based Storage and Retrieval Approach for High-Throughput Screening Experiments In Proceedings
August 2014 -
Proof Pearl: The KeY to Correct and Stable Sorting Article
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 53(2), 129-139.August 2014 -
August 2014
Van data naar betekenis: Hoe combineer je locatiedata met andere open bronnen? - ICT Magazine Magazine Article
August 2014 -
Rascal 0.7.1 Software
August 2014 -
Rascal 0.7.0 Software
August 2014 -
Enriching news for supporting users’ information needs using schema-driven classification of entities and relations Master Thesis
August 2014 -
Predicting sense of community and participation by applying machine learning to open government data Master Thesis
August 2014 -
Fluid limits for bandwidth-sharing networks with rate constraints Article
Mathematics of Operations Research, 746-774.August 2014 -
August 2014
Heavy-traffic limits for Polling Models with Exhaustive Service and non-FCFS Service Order Policies Tech Report
August 2014 -
Mechanical Cell-Matrix Feedback Explains Pairwise and Collective Endothelial Cell Behavior In Vitro Article
PLoS Computational Biology, 10(8), e1003774:1-e1003774:14.August 2014 -
From Sensor Data to Audience Feedback: A Web-based Visualisation Tool for Performing Artists Master Thesis
August 2014 -
August 2014
MonetDB Jan2014-SP3 bugfix release Software
August 2014 -
Parameter Curation for Benchmark Queries In Proceedings
August 2014 -
July 2014
De allereerste computerprogrammeur Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852) : radioprogramma 'Kennis van NU', 18.07.2014, 21-22u. [55:31] News Broadcast
July 2014 -
Some upper and lower bounds on PSD-rank Tech Report
July 2014 -
July 2014
July 2014
Distance matters! Cumulative proximity expansions for ranking documents Article
Information Retrieval, 17(4), 380-406.July 2014 -
July 2014
Benchmarking and improving point cloud data management in MonetDB Article
ACM SIGSPATIAL, 6(2), 11-18.July 2014 -
A column-store meets the point clouds In Proceedings
July 2014 -
July 2014
Multi-dimensional experimental studies on streamers In Proceedings
July 2014 -
July 2014
Het Genoom van Nederland in kaart - Zorg- en Ziekenhuiskrant Magazine Article
July 2014 -
De eerste programmeur - VPRO Gids Magazine Article
July 2014 -
Betere verwerking van big data - Technisch Weekblad Magazine Article
July 2014 -
Onder ons: Keith Myerscough - BussumsNieuws Magazine Article
July 2014 -
Positive semidefinite matrix completion, universal rigidity and the Strong Arnold Property Article
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 292-317.July 2014 -
Toward Connected Shared Experiences Article
IEEE Computer, 47(7), 86-89.July 2014 -
Hybrid Vlasov-MHD models: Hamiltonian vs. non-Hamiltonian Article
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 56(9), 095008:1-095008:11.July 2014 -
July 2014
July 2014
Uncovering the unarchived web In Proceedings
July 2014 -
July 2014
July 2014
July 2014
Coalgebraic Characterizations of Automata-Theoretic Classes Dissertation
Computer SecurityJuly 2014 -
Externalities and cooperation in algorithmic game theory Dissertation
Networks and OptimizationJune 2014 -
On the Closest Vector Problem with a distance guarantee In Proceedings
June 2014 -
Improved imputation quality of low-frequency and rare variants in European samples using the ‘Genome of The Netherlands’ Article
European Journal of Human Genetics, 1321-1326.June 2014 -
Whole-genome sequence variation, population structure and demographic history of the Dutch population Article
Nature Genetics, 818-825.June 2014 -
June 2014
Live XML Data In Proceedings
June 2014 -
Combining Monitoring with Run-Time Assertion Checking In Proceedings
June 2014 -
June 2014
Supercritical Fluids for High-power Switching In Proceedings
June 2014 -
Positive streamer discharge inception from dielectrics In Proceedings
June 2014 -
Ionization due to extensive air showers in humid air In Proceedings
June 2014