A column-store meets the point clouds
Presented at the
Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in Europe, Bremen
Dealing with LIDAR data in the context of database management
systems calls for a re-assessment of their functionality, performance,
and storage/processing limitations. The territory for efficient and
scalable processing of LIDAR repositories using GIS enabled database
systems is still largely unexplored. Bringing together hard core
database management experts and GIS application developers is a
sine qua non to advance the state of the art. In particular to assess
the relative merits of both traditional row-based database engines
and the modern column-oriented database engines.
Additional Metadata | |
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P. Baumann (Peter) | |
Commit: Time Trails (P019) | |
Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in Europe | |
Organisation | Database Architectures |
Kersten, M., Ivanova, M., Pereira Goncalves, R. A., & Martinez-Rubi, O. (2014). A column-store meets the point clouds. In P. Baumann (Ed.), . |