Publications from 2021
Combining 13C-metabolic flux analysis and genome-scale modeling of short chain fatty acid production Presentation
January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Combining 13C-metabolic flux analysis and genome-scale modeling of short chain fatty acid production Presentation
January 2011 -
Cell-based modeling for the VPH: The role of collective cell behavior in angiogenesis and gut microbial metabolism Presentation
January 2011 -
January 2011
Diffusion Estimation from Multiscale Data by Operator Eigenpairs Article
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 9(4), 1588-1623.January 2011 -
Component splitting for semi-discrete Maxwell equations Article
BIT : Numerical Mathematics, 51(2), 427-445.January 2011 -
On Tree-Constrained Matchings and Generalizations In Proceedings
January 2011 -
January 2011
The Roles of Local Search, Model Building and Optimal Mixing in Evolutionary Algorithms from a BBO Perspective In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithms In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Quantitative analysis of venation patterns of Arabidopsis leaves by supervised image analysis Article
The Plant Journal, epub(doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04803.x)January 2011 -
Quantitative Kleene coalgebras Article
Information and Computation, 209(5), 822-849.January 2011 -
Sound and complete axiomatization of trace semantics for probabilistic systems Article
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 291-311.January 2011 -
On Moessner's theorem Tech Report
January 2011 -
Preface Article
Theoretical Computer Science, 412(38), 4967-4968.January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Sound and complete axiomatizations of coalgebraic language equivalence Article
Computing Research RepositoryJanuary 2011 -
Stochastic Reo: a case study In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Nonblocking distributed state-tree-structures Master Thesis
January 2011 -
LQG coordination control Master Thesis
January 2011 -
January 2011
Maximally permissive distributed dupervisory control of nondeterministic discrete-event systems In Proceedings
January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Ten Years of Analyzing Actors: Rebeca Experience In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Composing Real-Time Concurrent Objects - Refinement, Compatibility and Schedulability In Proceedings
January 2011 -
From Nonpreemptive to Preemptive Scheduling – From Single-Processor to Multi-Processor In Proceedings
January 2011 -
January 2011
A modular-coordinated control for continuous Petri nets In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Abstraction of biochemical reaction systems In Proceedings
January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Mathematical systems theory Article
Machazine, 15(4), 34-35.January 2011 -
Control of distributed systems: Tutorial and overview Article
European Journal of Control, 17(5-6), 579-602.January 2011 -
Synthesis of controllable and normal sublanguages for discrete-event systems using a coordinator Article
Systems & Control Letters, 492-502.January 2011 -
Semantics and computability of the evolution of hybrid systems Article
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 890-925.January 2011 -
The distributed wireless gathering problem Article
Theoretical Computer Science, 412(8), 633-641.January 2011 -
On the complexity of computing the handicap of a sufficient matrix Article
Mathematical Programming Series B, 129(2), 383-402.January 2011 -
January 2011
Safe Learning: bridging the gap between Bayes, MDL and statistical learning theory via empirical convexity In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Making Decisions Using Sets of Probabilities: Updating, Time Consistency, and Calibration Article
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 393-426.January 2011 -
Buchi Automata for Modeling Component Connectors Article
Software and System Modelling, 10(2), 183-200.January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
January 2011
Free-Surface Viscous Flow Solution Methods for Ship Hydrodynamics Article
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-41.January 2011 -
In Memoriam Jan Verwer (1946-2011) “Een dag zonder fouten is een dag zonder wiskunde” Article
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 91-93.January 2011 -
Review of computational fluid dynamics for wind turbine wake aerodynamics Article
Wind Energy, 799-819.January 2011 -
January 2011
Using simulation to evaluate how multi-agent transportation planners cope with truck breakdowns In Proceedings
January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori. II. Volume, diameter and mixing time Article
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 149(3-4), 397-415.January 2011 -
Long-range self-avoiding walk converges to alpha-stable processes Article
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré - Probability and Statistics, 47(1), 20-42.January 2011 -
Quantum proofs for classical theorems Article
Theory of ComputingJanuary 2011 -
Uniform approximation by (quantum) polynomials Article
International Journal of Quantum Information, 11(3-4), 215-225.January 2011 -
Near-optimal and explicit Bell inequality violations In Proceedings
January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Iterative correction of beam hardening artifacts in CT Article
Superconductor Science and TechnologyJanuary 2011 -
Barrier efficiency of sponge-like La2Zr207 buffer layers for YBCO-coated conductors Article
Superconductor Science and TechnologyJanuary 2011 -
Electron tomography based on a total variation minimization reconstruction technique Article
UltramicroscopyJanuary 2011 -
Performance improvements for iterative electron tomography reconstruction using graphics processing units (GPUs) Article
Journal of Structural Biology, 176(2), 250-253.January 2011 -
Three-Dimensional Atomic Imaging of Colloidal Core-Shell Nanocrystals Article
Nano Letters, 11(8), 3420-3424.January 2011 -
A semi-automatic algorithm for grey level estimation in tomography Article
Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(9), 1395-1405.January 2011 -
Optimal Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Homogeneous Objects in Tomographic Reconstructions Article
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 30(4), 980-989.January 2011 -
DART: a practical reconstruction algorithm for discrete tomography Article
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 20(9), 2542-2553.January 2011 -
Usage Analysis and the Web of Data Article
SIGIR Forum, a Medium of Discussion for SIGIR Members, 45(1), 63-69.January 2011 -
Special issue dedicated to EMG2010 - Editorial Article
Computing and Visualization in Science, 1-1.January 2011 -
January 2011
On cross-currency models with stochastic volatility and correlated interest rates Article
Applied Mathematical Finance, 1-35.January 2011 -
Generalized beta regression models for random Loss-Given-Default Article
Journal of Credit Risk, 7(4), 1-27.January 2011 -
GPU implementation of a Helmholtz Krylov solver preconditioned by a shifted Laplace method Article
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 281-293.January 2011 -
The affine Heston model with correlated Gaussian interest rates for pricing hybrid derivatives Article
Quantitative Finance, 11(11), 1647-1663.January 2011 -
Saddlepoint approximations for expectations Article
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 692-714.January 2011 -
Analysis of multi-stage open shop processing systems In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Shortest vertex-disjoint two-face paths in planar graphs Article
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 7(2)January 2011 -
Adaptive Hedge In Proceedings
January 2011 -
The Langevin Limit of the Nosé-Hoover-Langevin Thermostat Article
Journal of Statistical Physics, 715-724.January 2011 -
Message Passing in a Dynamic Epistemic Logic Setting In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Message Generated Kripke Semantics In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Logic of Information Flow on Communication Channels Article
Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceJanuary 2011 -
January 2011
A peculiar streamer morphology created by a complex voltage pulse Article
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11), 2216-2217.January 2011 -
Simulated avalanche formation around streamers in an overvolted air gap Article
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11), 2256-2257.January 2011 -
Reflections on Vote Manipulation In Proceedings
January 2011 -
A URI-based approach for addressing fragments of media resources on the Web Article
International Journal on Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsJanuary 2011 -
The Future of Research Communication (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11331) Article
Dagstuhl Reports, 1(8), 29-52.January 2011 -
January 2011
January 2011
Learning from MyVideos user study Presentation
January 2011 -
Automatic and Manual Processes in End-User Multimedia Authoring Tools: Where is the Balance? Presentation
January 2011 -
Social Practices around Personal Videos using the Web In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Understanding Social TV: a survey In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Creating personalized memories from social events: community-based support for multi-camera recordings of school concerts In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Multimedia document processing in an HTML5 world In Proceedings
January 2011 -
Invasion from a cell aggregate: the roles of active cell motion and mechanical equilibrium Presentation
January 2011