Adaptive human-machine interfaces (HMIs) enhance driver safety and comfort by tailoring information presentation. While existing research identifies key adaptation parameters, their practical application remains challenging due to the complexity of rule-based decision making and the limitations of current authoring tools. To address these issues, this paper introduces AHSL, a domain-specific language for efficiently specifying message adaptation logic. By unifying established adaptation parameters within a hierarchical structure, AHSL simplifies rule creation and improves readability. Usability testing demonstrates AHSL's effectiveness in supporting intuitive and efficient decision logic development.

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3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Abstractions and Interactive Notations, Tools, and Environments

Altamirano, L., Verano Merino, M., & Barosan, I. (2024). Block-based platform for defining adaptation rules for automotive systems. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Abstractions and Interactive Notations, Tools, and Environments (pp. 1–16). doi:10.1145/3689488.3689989