As power markets become liberalised and include more intermittent generation, the trade of reserve energy will become more important. We propose a novel bidding mechanism to integrate power and reserve markets. It facilitates planning for bidding in both markets and adds expressivity to reserve bids\footnote{This work is a part of the IDeaNeD project and sponsored by Agentschap NL, a research funding agency of the dutch ministry of economic affairs, in the IOP-EMVT program. It has also been presented at the AAMAS 2011 conference.
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P. De Causmaecker , J. Maervoet , T. Messelis , J.M. van Vaalen (Jophien) , K. Verbeeck , T. Vermeulen
Proceedings of Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent en Decentraal management van netwerken en data
Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent and autonomous systems

Höning, N., Noot, H., & La Poutré, H. (2011). Integrating power and reserve trade in electricity networks. In P. De Causmaecker, J. Maervoet, T. Messelis, J. van Vaalen, K. Verbeeck, & T. Vermeulen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1–463). BNVKI.