The performance of a program on multicore platform crucially depends on the scheduling of its tasks; existing high-level programming languages, however, offer limited control over scheduling. In this thesis, we develop Cacoj as an extensible tool set to transform Creol’s active concurrent objects into Java to be deployed on multicore through standard Java Runtime Environment. The concurrent object paradigm is a promising trend for multicore programming because each object may conceptually encapsulate a processor. Cacoj introduces a higher-level abstraction of concurrency API and a Creol compiler in which the translated object in Java takes control over the scheduling of the incoming messages through a per-object approach in contrast with current mainstream trend. Cacoj brings about the required grounds to extend Creol syntax to additionally specify different levels of priority and integrate them into the notion of active concurrent objects.

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F.S. de Boer (Frank)
Computer Security

Nobakht, B. (2011, May). Deploying active objects onto multicore. Multi-core.