The coordination modelling language Paradigm addresses collaboration between components in terms of dynamic constraints. Within a Paradigm model, component dynamics are consistently specified at a detailed and a global level of abstraction. To enable automated verification of Paradigm models, a translation of Paradigm into process algebra has been defined in previous work. In this paper we investigate, guided by a client-server example, reduction of Paradigm models based on a notion of global inertness. Representation of Paradigm models as process algebraic specifications helps to establish a property-preserving equivalence relation between the original and the reduced Paradigm model. Experiments indicate that in this way larger Paradigm models can be analyzed.
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L. Aceto (Luca) , M.R. Mousavi
International Workshop on Process Algebra and Coordination
Visualization and 3D User Interfaces

Andova, S., Groenewegen, L., & de Vink, E. (2011). Towards reduction of Paradigm coordination models. In L. Aceto & M. R. Mousavi (Eds.), Proceedings of International Workshop on Process Algebra and Coordination 2011. EPTCS.