ter: SEN 3 Abstract: We study several techniques for interactive equational reasoning with the bisimulation equivalence. Our work is based on a modular library, formalised in Coq, that axiomatises weakly final coalgebras and bisimulation. As a theory we derive some coalgebraic schemes and an associated coinduction principle. This will help in interactive proofs by coinduction, modular derivation of congruence and co-fixed point equations and enables an extensional treatment of bisimulation. Finally we present a version of the lambda-coinduction proof principle in our framework.
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Software Engineering [SEN]
Mending the Unending: Machine Assisted Reasoning with Infinite Objects
Computer Security

Niqui, M. (2010). Coiterative Morphisms: Interactive Equational Reasoning for Bisimulation, using Coalgebras. Software Engineering [SEN]. CWI.