Component-based software construction relies on suitable models underlying components, and in particular the coordinators which orchestrate component behaviour. Verifying correctness and safety of such systems amounts to model checking the underlying system model, where model checking techniques not only need to be correct but—since system sizes increase—also scalable and efficient. In this paper, we present a SAT-based approach for bounded model checking of Timed Constraint Automata. We present an embedding of bounded model checking into propositional logic with linear arithmetic, which overcomes the state explosion problem to deal with large systems by defining a product that is linear in the size of the system. To further improve model checking performance, we show how to embed our approach into an extension of counterexample guided abstraction refinement with Craig interpolants.

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Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
Components and Component Connectors
International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architecture
Computer Security

Kemper, S. (2009). SAT-based Verification for Timed Component Connectors. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (Vol. 255, pp. 103–118). Elsevier.