Nowadays an enormous quantity of heterogeneous and distributed information is stored in the current World Wide Web. Sharing of different information sources is needed. Recently the word Semantic Web has become very popular. The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and re-used through ontologies. Ontologies make information explicit and can be used in the integration information task. The relation of an ontology with information sources or other ontologies plays an essential role in information integration and multimedia presentation. Multimedia presentation generators use a set of media items. The challenge is to combine these items in a coherent presentation to the user. For this, a large amount of information about these media items and their relations is needed. The collection and maintenance of information is a time-consuming costly effort that leads to the requirement for using existing information whenever possible to re-use the input metadata from the databases. In this document, we study the different approaches for combining information and propose an ontology construction method for developing shared ontologies. This document further illustrates the example integration of two art-media ontologies applying this process