Software evolution lies at the heart of the software development process, and suffers from problems such as maintainability, evolvability, understandability, etc. Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) is an emerging software development paradigm, that tries to achieve better separation of concerns. It is often claimed that this is actually beneficial for the maintainability, evolvability and understandability of the software. This workshop aims to investigate and explore this relationship between software evolution and AOSD. In particular, the workshop

T. Tourwé (Tom) , D. Shepherd , A. Kellens , M. Ceccato
Software Engineering [SEN]
Software Analysis and Transformation

Tourwé, T., Shepherd, D., Kellens, A., & Ceccato, M. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on linking aspect technology and evolution, Bonn, Germany, 20.03.2006. (T. Tourwé, D. Shepherd, A. Kellens, & M. Ceccato, Eds.)Software Engineering [SEN]. CWI.