Actian CWI Research Grant January 2012 - December 2021
Vectorwise: Beyond Column Stores Article
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 35(1), 21-27.January 2012 -
From X100 to Vectorwise: opportunities, challenges and things most researchers do not think about In Proceedings
June 2012 -
August 2012
From Cooperative Scans to Predictive Buffer Management In Proceedings
August 2012 -
Automatic Schema Design for Co-Clustered Tables In Proceedings
April 2013 -
Recycling in Pipelined Query Evaluation In Proceedings
April 2013 -
Micro Adaptivity in Vectorwise In Proceedings
B. Raducanu (Bogdan), P.A. Boncz (Peter) and M. Zukowski (Marcin)
June 2013 -
The Design and Implementation of Modern Column-Oriented Database Systems Article
Foundations and Trends in Databases, 5(3), 197-280.D. Abadi, P.A. Boncz (Peter), S. Idreos (Stratos), S. Harizopoulos and S. Madden (Samuel)
December 2013