Actian CWI Research Grant January 2012 - December 2021
How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really? Article
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 9(3), 204-215.V. Leis (Viktor), A. Gubichev (Andrey), A. Mirchev (Atanas), P.A. Boncz (Peter), T. Neumann (Thomas) and A. Kemper (Alfons)
November 2015 -
Data Blocks: hybrid OLTP and OLAP on compressed storage using both vectorization and compilation In Proceedings
H. Lang (Harald), T. Mühlbauer, F. Funke, P.A. Boncz (Peter), T. Neumann (Thomas) and A. Kemper (Alfons)
June 2016 -
VectorH: taking SQL-on-Hadoop to the next level In Proceedings
M. Switakowski, A. Costea (Andrei), A. Ionescu (Adrian), B. Raducanu (Bogdan), C. Bârca, J. Sompolski (Juliusz), A. Łuszczak, M. Szafranski (Michal), G. De Nijs and P.A. Boncz (Peter)
June 2016 -
Bitwise dimensional co-clustering for analytical workloads Article
VLDB Journal, 25(3), 291-316.June 2016