For the parallel integration of stiff initial value problems, three types of parallelism can be employed: 'parallelism across the problem', 'parallelism across the method' and 'parallelism across the steps'. Recently, methods based on Runge-Kutta schemes that use parallelism across the method have been proposed in [5, 6]. These methods solve implicit Runge-Kutta schemes by means of the so-called diagonally iteration scheme and are called PDIRK methods. The experiments described in [5], show that the speedup factor of certain high-order PDIRK methods, is about 2 with respect to a good sequential code. However, a disadvantage of the high-order PDIRK methods is, that a relatively large number of iterations is needed for each step. This disadvantage can be compensated by employing step-parallelism. Step-parallel methods are methods in which a number of steps are treated simultaneously. This form of parallelism can be applied to any predictor-corrector method. A common feature of this approach is their poor convergence behaviour, unless the various strategies are carefully designed. In the present paper, we describe two strategies for the PDIRK across the steps method. Example problems tested in this paper show for the best strategy, a speed-up factor ranging from 4 to 7 with respect to the best sequential codes.

Department of Numerical Mathematics [NM]

van der Veen, W. (1995). Step-parallel algorithms for stiff initial value problems. Department of Numerical Mathematics [NM]. CWI.