The design and implementation of the language fSDL (full Structure Definition Language) is discussed. In fSDL, complex user-defined data types such as lists, tables, trees, and graphs can be constructed from a tiny set of primitives. Beyond mere structure definitions (also offered by previously existing tools) high-level functionality on these data types can be specified. In the COMPARE (ESPRIT) project, the C code generated from an fSDL specification will be used by compiler-components running in parallel on a common data pool. fSDL is first translated into a sublanguage, flat fSDL, from which the actual C code is produced. Flat fSDL is a convenient interface for cooperation with other compiler generation tools. There is a formal relation between the input fSDL and the resulting flat form.

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Department of Computer Science [CS]
Extensible programming environments

Walters, P., Kamperman, J., & Dinesh, T. B. (1995). An extensible language for the generation of parallel data manipulation andcontrol packages. Department of Computer Science [CS]. CWI.