Two-stage stochastic programs become computationally challenging when the number of scenarios representing parameter uncertainties grows. Motivated by this, we propose the TULIP-algorithm ("Two-step warm start method Used for solving Large-scale stochastic mixed-Integer Problems"), a two-step approach for solving two-stage stochastic (mixed) integer linear programs with an exponential number of constraints. In this approach, we first generate a reduced set of representative scenarios and solve the root node of the corresponding integer linear program using a cutting-plane method. The generated constraints are then used to accelerate solving the original problem with the full scenario set in the second phase. We demonstrate the generic effectiveness of TULIP on two benchmark problems: the Stochastic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem and the Two-Stage Stochastic Steiner Forest Problem. The results of our extensive numerical experiments show that TULIP yields significant computational gains compared to solving the problem directly with branch-and-cut.

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Markhorst, B., Leitner, M., Berkhout, J., Zocca, A., & van der Mei, R. (2024). A two-step warm start method used for solving large-scale stochastic mixed-integer problems.