In this PhD project, we will investigate enhancements for columnar storage file formats, which play a crucial role in database work- loads, but also increasingly in machine-learning workloads, with the overall goal of improving security in next-gen Data Lakes. This is investigated in three lines of proposed work to develop (i) a vector-friendly encryption file layout that allows efficient process- ing on both CPUs and GPUs in our new FastLanes format, (ii) hybrid encrypted query processing, in which decryption happens client-side, introducing new techniques that allow cloud servers to skip encrypted data in predicate pushdown; and (iii) oblivious data access techniques that exploit the compaction processes already necessary for data life-cyle management in Data Lakes.

VLDB Conference
50th International Conference on Very Large Databases 2024
Database Architectures

Felius, L. (2024). Enhancing security for columnar storage and data lakes. In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (pp. 1–4).