The remix technique has been widely used in musical practice, mainly due to the figure of Disc Jockeys (DJs), which combines several pre-existing sounds to produce completely new content. However, this creation method also appears in other forms of artistic expressions, such as architecture, photography, fashion design, video games, etc. Recent technological advances favor the emergence of gadgets that help expand this practice, such as Smart Musical Instruments (SMI), devices equipped with sensors, actuators, embedded intelligence, and wireless connectivity to allow new forms of musical expression. In view of this scenario and the versatility of remix, this paper presents a prototype of an SMI, called RemixDrum, conceived not only for creating sounds through technological means but also to allow the mixing of multimedia content, proposing a new context of use for this type of interface and a new way to make art. Finally, the prototype was evaluated quantitatively, measuring average latency, jitter and throughput, qualitatively, investigating the user experience and their interaction with the equipment, and comparatively, through an analysis between our prototype and related works, in order to analyze perceptible delays, expressiveness and other artistic factors.

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9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things, IoT 2023
Distributed and Interactive Systems

Augusto Vieira Costa, R., Rocha, M., Albuquerque, C., Muchaluat-Saade, D., & César Garcia, P. S. (2023). RemixDrum: A smart musical instrument for music and visual art remix. In Proceedings of the IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things. doi:10.1109/WF-IoT58464.2023.10539401