Currently, data management technologies are in the process of finding their way into evolving networks, i.e. P2P, ad hoc and wireless sensor networks. We examine the properties, differences and commonalities of the different types of evolving networks, in order to enable the development of adequate technologies suiting their characteristics. We start with presenting definitions for the different network types, before arranging them in a network hierarchy, to gain a clear view of the area. Then, we analyze and compare the example applications for each of the types using different design dimensions. Based on this work, we finally present a comparison of P2P, ad hoc and wireless sensor networks.

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Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks
Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks 2006
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam (CWI), The Netherlands

Boncz, P., Bonifati, A. (Angela), Böse, J.-H., Böttcher, S., Chrysanthis, P. K., Gruenwald, L., … Viglas, S.D. (Stratis). (2007). P2P, ad hoc and sensor networks – All the different or all the same?. In Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. doi:10.4230/DagSemProc.06431.5