Several social VR platforms support virtual entertainment events, however their value for post-show activities remains unclear. Through a user-centered approach, we design a social VR lobby experience to enrich four motivations of theatre-goers: social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement. We ran a context-mapping focus group session with professionals (N=6) to conceptualize the social VR space for digital opera experiences. Based on our findings, we propose a social VR lobby consisting of four rooms: 1) a Bar for social engagement, 2) an Info Booth for intellectual engagement, 3) a Photo Zone for emotional engagement, and 4) an Interactive Stage for spiritual engagement. Based on this work, we plan to experimentally evaluate audience experiences in each room in order to create a social VR lobby template for theater experiences.

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Opera co-creation for a social transformation
2022 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, IMX 2022
Distributed and Interactive Systems

Lee, S., Striner, A., & César Garcia, P. S. (2022). Designing a VR lobby for remote opera social experiences. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (pp. 293–298). doi:10.1145/3505284.3532980