We describe the design and implementation of EdgeFrame: a graph-specialized Spark DataFrame that caches the edges of a graph in compressed form on all worker nodes of a cluster, and provides a fast and scalable Worst-Case-Optimal Join (WCOJ) that is especially useful for matching of complex and cyclical patterns in large graphs. Our choice to forego shuffle- or communication-based WCOJ is motivated by our analysis of the Shares algorithm for distributed WCOJ, that was proven communication-optimal, but which we show to quickly deteriorate to a full broadcast of all data already with moderately complex graph patterns. Our work shows that specializing WCOJ to a multi-way self-join, and leveraging compressed storage, provides a significant opportunity for better WCOJ performance. Finally, we investigate WCOJ parallelization and load-balancing strategies and show that fine-grained dynamic load-balancing with work-stealing is to be preferred, creating interesting insights and challenges for the future evolution of the Spark scheduler.

3rd ACM SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems and Network Data Analytics, GRADES-NDA 2020
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam (CWI), The Netherlands

Fuchs, P., Boncz, P., & Ghit, B. (2020). Edgeframe: Worst-case optimal joins for graph-pattern matching in spark. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems and Network Data Analytics, GRADES-NDA 2020 (pp. 1–11). doi:10.1145/3398682.3399162