Adaptive time stepping can significantly enhance the accuracy and the efficiency of computational methods. In this work, a time-integration strategy with adaptive time step control is proposed for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows. The algorithm is based on Runge-Kutta methods and consists in adjusting the time-step size dynamically to ensure that the numerical dissipation rate due to the temporal scheme is smaller than the molecular and subgrid-scale ones within a desired tolerance. The effectiveness of the method, as compared to standard CFL-like criteria, is assessed by large-eddy simulations of the three-dimensional Taylor-Green Vortex.

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Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata Congresso
Scientific Computing

Capuano, F., Sanderse, B., De Angelis, E., & Coppola, G. (2017). A minimum-dissipation time-integration strategy for large-eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows. In Proceedings of the XXIII Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, AIMETA 2017 (pp. 2311–2323). Retrieved from