Data Mining on High Volume Simulation Output , Cracking a Scientific Database , Querying while Transforming Large Graph Databases , Data Management, Integration and Knowledge Discovery,for Earth Observation Applications , Beyond the data explosion, Escience infrastructure for huge interferometric datasets , Commit: Time Trails (P019) , The SciLens Infrastructure for Data Intensive Research , PlanetData , Emergency Management in Large Infrastructures , Linked Open Earth Observation Data for Precision Farming , Human Brain Project , Process mining for multi-objective online control , LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data
Database Architectures

Kersten, M., Boncz, P., Nes, N., Manegold, S., Mullender, S., de Rijke, A., … Koutsourakis, P. (2016). MonetDB Jul2015-SP2 bugfix release.