This paper explores the suitability of structured (and declarative) multimedia document formats for supporting a novel type of performing arts: distributed theatre. In distributed theatre, the actors are split between two (or more) locations, but together deliver a single performance mediated by the cameras, the internet, and projection technologies. Based on our efforts to make an actual distributed theatre production happen (the Tempest by Miracle Theatre), this paper reflects on our experience. Our findings are divided into two main areas: workflow and document structure. We conclude that novel types of video-mediated applications, like distributed theatre, require new manners of authoring documents. Moreover, specific extensions to existing document formats are needed in order to accommodate the new requirements imposed by such kind of applications.
Video Communications for Networked Communities
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
Distributed and Interactive Systems

Jansen, J., Frantzis, M., & César Garcia, P. S. (2015). Multimedia Document Structure for Distributed Theatre. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2015 (DocEng 0) (pp. 199–202). ACM. doi:10.1145/2682571.2797087