Companies and service providers are deeply interested on the impact their products have on people. Physiological sensors (GSR, ECG..) are useful means to understand the user's experience: their interest on an activity, their engagement, or their boredom. In this thesis we analyzed the networking performance of physiological sensors in crowded environment. Polling was the MAC protocol used by the sensors, as it is collision free. It was compared against ALOHA which has higher level of collisions. The performance of these protocols in physiological sensors in 868 MHz is studied through extensive experiments. The impact of hindrance, distance and scalability were studied. The performance of the system is a ffected negatively by the above factors. Overall, Polling has shown better performance than ALOHA. The impact of the position of placement of the sink node on the sensor deployed area as studied. The packet reception of the sink node in di fferent location varies with di fferent arrangement and number of groups of sensors.
Vrije University Amsterdam
P.S. César Garcia (Pablo Santiago) , C. Wang (Chen)
Distributed and Interactive Systems

Rehman, R. (2015, January). Evaluating the performance of Bio-sensors in Wireless Networking. Vrije University Amsterdam.