MonetDB/RDF: Discovering and Exploiting the Emergent Schema of RDF Data
ERCIM News , Volume 96 p. 41- 42
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) has been used as the main data model for the semantic
web and Linked Open Data, providing great flexibility for users to represent and evolve data without
need for a prior schema. This flexibility, however, poses challenges in implementing efficient RDF
stores. It i) leads to query plan with many self-joins in triple tables, ii) blocks the use of advanced
relational physical storage optimization such as clustered indexes and data partitioning, and iii) the
lack of a schema sometimes makes it problematic for users to comprehend the data and formulate
queries [1]. In the Database Architecture group at CWI, Amsterdam, we tackle these RDF data
management problems by automatically recovering the structure present in RDF data, leveraging
this structure both internally inside the database systems (in storage, optimization, and execution),
and externally as an emergent schema towards the users who pose queries.
Additional Metadata | |
ERCIM News | |
LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data | |
Organisation | Database Architectures |
Pham, M.-D., & Boncz, P. (2014). MonetDB/RDF: Discovering and Exploiting the Emergent Schema of RDF Data. ERCIM News, 96, 41–42. |