We study quantum entanglement and some of its applications in graph theory and zero-error information theory.

In Chapter 1 we introduce entanglement and other fundamental concepts of quantum theory.

In Chapter 2 we address the question of how much quantum correlations generated by entanglement can deviate from classical predictions. We focus on non-local games: experiments in which two players are separated and forbidden to communicate, and have to collaborate to accomplish a task. We give two games exhibiting quantum-classical separations close to optimal. Remarkably, our results in theoretical physics are inspired by theoretical computer science.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to the study of quantum graph parameters. Well-known quantities such as the chromatic number and the independence number of a graph can be interpreted as parameters for non-local games. A definition of quantum graph parameters follows from this fact. We contribute to the field in a number of ways. Among other results, we find a surprising characterization of the quantum chromatic number that relates to the Kochen-Specker theorem, a result in the foundations of quantum mechanics.

In Chapter 4, we move to zero-error information theory. We study the zero error capacity of a classical noisy channel when the sender and the receiver can use quantum entanglement. We initiate the study of the source problem and source-channel problem with entanglement and we find channels and sources that exhibit a strong divergence in quantum and classical behaviours. To do that, we use results in combinatorics, linear algebra, optimization and number theory.

R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Algorithms and Complexity

Scarpa, G. (2013, November 27). Quantum entanglement in non-local games, graph parameters and zero-error information theory. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/11245/1.399855