CSA is a web server for the computation, evaluation and comprehensive comparison of pairwise protein structure alignments. Its exact alignment engine computes either optimal, top-scoring alignments or heuristic alignments with quality guarantee for the inter-residue distance-based scorings of contact map overlap, PAUL, DALI and MATRAS. These and additional, uploaded alignments are compared using a number of quality measures and intuitive visualizations. CSA brings new insight into the structural relationship of the protein pairs under investigation and is a valuable tool for studying structural similarities. It is available at http://csa.project.cwi.nl.
Oxford Open
Nucleic acids research
Evolutionary Intelligence

Wohlers, I., Malod-Dognin, N., Andonov, R., & Klau, G. (2013). CSA: Comprehensive comparison of pairwise protein structure alignments. Nucleic acids research, 40(W1), 303–309. doi:10.1093/nar/gks362