A high order fluid model for streamer dynamics is developed by closing the system after the 4th moment of the Boltzmann equation in local mean energy approximation. This is done by approximating the high order pressure tensor in the heat flux equation through the previous moments. Mathematical characteristics of the system is studied. Then planar ionization fronts for negative streamers in Nsub2 are simulated with the classical streamer model, MC-PIC particle model, and with the present higher order model.

A. Blaszczyk , R. Hiptmair , P. Leuchtmann , J. Ostrowski
International Conference on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering
Multiscale Dynamics

Markosyan, A., Dujko, S., & Ebert, U. (2012). Derivation and test of high order fluid model for streamer discharges. In A. Blaszczyk, R. Hiptmair, P. Leuchtmann, & J. Ostrowski (Eds.), Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering.