In 2008 a group of researchers behind the X100 database kernel created Vectorwise: a spin-o which together with the Actian corporation (previously Ingres) worked on bringing this technology to the market. Today, Vectorwise is a popular product and one of the examples of conversion of a research prototype into successful commercial software. We describe here some of the interesting aspects of the work performed by the Vectorwise development team in the process, and discuss the op- portunities and challenges resulting from the decision of integrating a prototype-quality kernel with Ingres, an established commercial product. We also discuss how requirements coming from real-life scenarios sometimes clashed with design choices and simplications often found in research projects, and how Vectorwise team addressed some of of them.

Actian CWI Research Grant
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
Database Architectures

Zukowski, M., & Boncz, P. (2012). From X100 to Vectorwise: opportunities, challenges and things most researchers do not think about. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data 2012. ACM.