The symmetries of two-dimensional supersymmetric sigma models on target spaces with covariantly constant forms associated to special holonomy groups are analysed. It is shown that each pair of such forms gives rise to a new one, called a Nijenhuis form, and that there may be further reductions of the structure group. In many cases of interest there are also covariantly constant one-forms which also give rise to symmetries. These geometries are of interest in the context of heterotic supergravity solutions and the associated reductions are studied from a spacetime point of view via the Killing spinor equations.
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Journal of High Energy Physics
Quantum Information Processing
Algorithms and Complexity

Stojevic, V. (2010). Covariantly constant forms on torsionful geometries from world-sheet and spacetime perspectives. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(9), 1–33.