A set of necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the equivalence of an arbitrary pure state and a graph state on n qubits under stochastic local operations and classical communication (SLOCC), using the stabilizer formalism. Because all stabilizer states are equivalent to graph states by local unitary transformations, these conditions constitute a classical algorithm for the determination of SLOCC-equivalence of pure states and stabilizer states. This algorithm provides a distinct advantage over the direct solution of the SLOCC-equivalence condition |ψ〉 = S|g〉 for an unknown invertible local operator S, as it usually allows for easy detection of states that are not SLOCC-equivalent to graph states.
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World Scientific
International Journal of Quantum Information
Algorithms and Complexity

Briët, J., Feder, D. L., & D'Souza, A. G. (2010). Testing Equivalence of Pure Quantum States and Graph States under SLOCC. International Journal of Quantum Information, 8(1-2).