Rascal is a new language for meta-programming and is intended to solve problems in the domain of source code analysis and transformation. In this article we give a high-level overview of the language and illustrate its use by many examples. Rascal is a work in progress both regarding implementation and documentation. More information is available at http://www.rascal-mpl.org/.
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J.M. Fernandes , R. Lämmel (Ralf) , J.M.W. Visser (Joost) , J. Saraiva
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Domain Specific Languages: A Big Future for Small Programs
Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering
Software Engineering

Klint, P., van der Storm, T., & Vinju, J. (2011). EASY meta-programming with Rascal. In J. M. Fernandes, R. Lämmel, J. Visser, & J. Saraiva (Eds.), Proceedings of the Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering 2009 (pp. 222–289). Springer.