We consider random boolean cellular automata on the integer lattice, i.e., the cells are identified with the integers from 1 to $N$. The behaviour of the automaton is mainly determined by the support of the random variable that selects one of the sixteen possible Boolean rules, independently for each cell. A cell is said to stabilize if it will not change its state anymore after some time. We classify the random boolean automata according to the positivity of their probability of stabilization. Here is an example of a consequence of our results: if the support contains at least 5 rules, then asymptotically as $N$ tends to infinity the probability of stabilization is positive, whereas there exist random boolean cellular automata with 4 rules in their support for which this probability tends to 0.
Journal of Cellular Automata

Fey, A., van Driel, L., & Dekking, M. (2010). Stability in random Boolean cellular automata on the integer lattice. Journal of Cellular Automata, 5(4-5), 333–351.