This volume contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Partiality and Recursion in Interactive Theorem Provers (PAR 2010) which took place on July 15 in Edinburgh, UK. This workshop was held as a satellite workshop of the International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2010), itself part of the Federated Logic Conference 2010 (FLoC 2010). This workshop is a venue for researchers working on new approaches to cope with partial functions and terminating general (co)recursion in theorem provers.
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A. Bove , E. Komendantskaya , M. Niqui (Milad)
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
Mending the Unending: Machine Assisted Reasoning with Infinite Objects
Workshop on Partiality and Recursion in Interactive Theorem Provers
Computer Security

Bove, A., Komendantskaya, E., & Niqui, M. (Eds.). (2010). Proceedings Workshop on Partiality and Recursion in Interactive Theorem Provers. In A. Bove, E. Komendantskaya, & M. Niqui (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.