We study the inefficiency of equilibrium outcomes in bottleneck congestion games. These games model situations in which strategic players compete for a limited number of facilities. Each player allocates his weight to a (feasible) subset of the facilities with the goal to minimize the maximum (weight-dependent) latency that he experiences on any of these facilities. We derive upper and (asymptotically) matching lower bounds on the (strong) price of anarchy of linear bottleneck congestion games for a natural load balancing social cost objective (i.e., minimize the maximum latency of a facility). We restrict our studies to linear latency functions. Linear bottleneck congestion games still constitute a rich class of games and generalize, for example, load balancing games with identical or uniformly related machines with or without restricted assignments.
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S. Kontogiannis (Spyros) , E. Koutsoupias (Elias) , P.G. Spirakis (Paul)
International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory
Networks and Optimization

de Keijzer, B., Schäfer, G., & Telelis, O. (2010). On the inefficiency of equilibria in linear bottleneck congestion games. In S. Kontogiannis, E. Koutsoupias, & P. Spirakis (Eds.), Algorithmic Game Theory: Third International Symposium, Proceedings. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16170-4_29