We propose a framework for analyzing classical sampling strategies for estimating the Hamming weight of a large string, when applied to a multi-qubit quantum system instead. The framework shows how to interpret such a strategy and how to define its accuracy when applied to a quantum system. Furthermore, we show how the accuracy of any strategy relates to its accuracy in its classical usage, which is well understood for the important examples. We show the usefulness of our framework by using it to obtain new and simple security proofs for the following quantum-cryptographic schemes: quantum oblivious-transfer from bit-commitment, and BB84 quantum-key-distribution.
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T. Rabin
Quantum Cryptography
IACR Crypto

Bouman, N., & Fehr, S. (2010). Sampling in a quantum population, and applications. In T. Rabin (Ed.), Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2010 (pp. 724–741). Springer.