Suppose Alice and Bob make local two-outcome measurements on a shared entangled state. For any d, we show that there are correlations that can only be reproduced if the local dimension is at least d. This resolves a conjecture of Brunner et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 210503 (2008) and establishes that the amount of entanglement required to maximally violate a Bell inequality must depend on the number of measurement settings, not just the number of measurement outcomes. We prove this result by establishing the first lower bounds on a new generalization of Grothendieck's constant.
Cornell University Library e-Print archive
Quantum Information Processing , Quantum Information Processing
Workshop on Quantum Information Processing
Quantum Computing and Advanced System Research

Briët, J., Buhrman, H., & Toner, B. (2009). A generalized Grothendieck inequality and entanglement in XOR games. In e-Print archive. Cornell University Library .