For every total recursive time bound t, a constant fraction of all compressible (low Kolmogorov complexity) strings is t-bounded incompressible (high time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity); there are uncountably many infinite sequences of which every initial segment of length n is compressible to logn yet t-bounded incompressible below 1/4n - log n and there is a countably infinite number of recursive infinite sequences of which every initial segment is similarly t-bounded incompressible. These results and their proofs are related to, but different from, Barzdins's lemma.
Information Processing Letters
Quantum Computing and Advanced System Research

Koolen-Wijkstra, W., Vitányi, P., & Daylight, E. G. (2009). On time-bounded incompressibility of compressible strings and sequences. Information Processing Letters, 109(18), 1055–1059.