Automatic image annotation using supervised learning is performed by concept classifiers trained on labelled example images. This work proposes the use of clickthrough data collected from search logs as a source for the automatic generation of concept training data, thus avoiding the expensive manual annotation effort. We investigate and evaluate this approach using a collection of 97,628 photographic images. The results indicate that the contribution of search log based training data is positive; in particular, the combination of manual and automatically generated training data outperforms the use of manual data alone. It is therefore possible to use clickthrough data to perform large-scale image annotation with little manual annotation effort or, depending on performance, using only the automatically generated training data. The datasets used as well as an extensive presentation of the experimental results can be accessed at
Image Indexing and reTrievAL in the Large Scale
International Conference on Video and Image Retrieval
Human-Centered Data Analytics

Tsikrika, T., Diou, C., de Vries, A., & Delopoulos, A. (2009). Image annotation using clickthrough data. In Proceedings of International Conference on Video and Image Retrieval 2009 (8). ACM.