In this paper we discuss Liau's logic of Belief, Inform and Trust (BIT), which captures the use of trust to infer beliefs from acquired information. However, the logic does not capture the derivation of trust from other notions. We therefore suggest the following two extensions. First, like Liau we observe that trust in information from an agent depends on the topic of the information. We extend BIT with a formalization of topics which are used to infer trust in a proposition from trust in another proposition, if both propositions have the same topics. Second, for many applications, communication primitives other than inform are required. We extend BIT with questions, and discuss the relationship with belief, inform and trust. An answer to a question can lead to trust, when the answer conforms to the beliefs of the agent.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems
Computer Security

Dastani, M., Herzig, A., Hulstijn, J., & van der Torre, L. (2005). Inferring trust. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) (pp. 144–160). Springer.