Composition of a concurrent system out of components involves coordination of their mutual interactions. In component-based construction, this coordination becomes the responsibility of the glue-code language and its underlying run-time middle-ware. Reo offers an expressive glue-language for construction of coordinating component connectors out of primitive channels. In this paper we consider the problem of synthesizing Reo coordination code from a specification of a behavior as a relation on scheduled-data streams. The specification is given as a constraint automaton that describes the desired input/output behavior at the ports of the components. The main contribution in this paper is an algorithm that generates Reo code from a given constraint automaton.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
Computer Security

Arbab, F., Baier, C., de Boer, F., Rutten, J., & Sirjani, M. (2005). Synthesis of Reo Circuits for Implementation of Component-Connector Automata Specifications, Coordination Models and Languages. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages 2005 (pp. 236–251). Springer.