Refactoring software to apply aspect oriented solutions requires a clear understanding of what are the potential crosscutting concerns and which aspect solutions to replace them with. This process can benefit from the recognition of recurring generic concerns and their reusable aspect solutions. In this paper, we propose a classification of crosscutting concerns in sorts based on the analysis of various refactoring efforts. We discuss how sorts help concern understanding and refactoring, how they support the identification of crosscutting concerns, and how they can contribute to the evolution of aspect languages.
M.P. Robillard
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
Software Analysis and Transformation

Marin, M., Moonen, L., & van Deursen, A. (2005). A classification of crosscutting concerns and the implications for aspect-oriented refactoring. In M. P. Robillard (Ed.), Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM) (pp. 673–677). IEEE.