We consider several graph theoretic problems on unit disk graphs (Maximum Independent Set, Minimum Vertex Cover, and Minimum (Connected) Dominating Set) relevant to mobile ad hoc networks. We propose two new notions: thickness and density. If the thickness of a unit disk graph is bounded, then the mentioned problems can be solved in polynomial time. For unit disk graphs of bounded density, we present a new asymptotic fully-polynomial approximation scheme for the considered problems. The scheme for Minimum Connected Dominating Set is the first Baker-like asymptotic FPTAS for this problem. By adapting the proof, it implies e.g. an asymptotic FPTAS for Minimum Connected Dominating Set on planar graphs.
D. Kratsch
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
International Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
Networks and Optimization

van Leeuwen, E. J. (2005). Approximation Algorithms for Unit Disk Graphs. In D. Kratsch (Ed.), Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (pp. 351–361). Springer.