Media consumption is an inherently social activity, serving to communicate ideas and emotions across both small- and large-scale communities. The migration of the media experience to personal computers retains social viewing, but typically only via a non-social, strictly personal interface. This paper presents an architecture and implementation for media content selection, content (re)organization, and content sharing within a user community that is heterogeneous in terms of both participants and devices. In addition, our application allows the user to enrich the content as a differentiated personalization activity targeted to his/her peer-group. We describe the goals, architecture and implementation of our system in this paper. In order to validate our results, we also present results from two user studies involving disjoint sets of test participants.
Network Infrastructure Support for Convergent Interactive Media , Together Anywhere, Together Anytime
ACM International Multimedia Conference
Distributed and Interactive Systems

César Garcia, P. S., Bulterman, D., Geerts, D., Jansen, J., Knoche, H., & Seager, W. (2008). Enhancing Social Sharing of Videos: Fragment, Annotate, Enrich, and Share. In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia (pp. 11–20). ACM.