Textual programming languages have proven to be difficult to learn and to use effectively for many people. For this sake, visual tools can be useful to abstract the complexity of such textual languages, minimizing the specification efforts. In this paper we present a visual approach for high level specification of spatiotemporal relations. In order to accomplish this task, our visual representation provides an intuitive way to specify complex synchronization events amongst media. Finally, to validate our work, the visual specification is mapped to NCL (Nested Context Language), the standard declarative language of the Brazilian Terrestrial Digital TV System.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
Distributed and Interactive Systems

Guimarães, R., Neto, C. S. S., & Soares, L. F. G. (2008). A visual approach for modeling spatiotemporal relations. In Proceedings of ACM DocumentEngineering 2008 (DocEng ) (pp. 285–288). ACM.