We investigate the (in)equational theory of impossible futures semantics over the process algebra BCCSP. We prove that no finite, sound axiomatization for BCCSP modulo impossible futures equivalence is ground-complete. By contrast, we present a finite, sound, ground-complete axiomatization for BCCSP modulo impossible futures preorder}. If the alphabet of actions is infinite, then this axiomatization is shown to be omega-complete. If the alphabet is finite, we prove that the inequational theory of BCCSP modulo impossible futures preorder lacks such a finite basis. We also derive non-finite axiomatizability results for nested impossible futures semantics.
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Software Engineering [SEN]
Specification and Analysis of Embedded Systems

Chen, T., & Fokkink, W. (2008). On the axiomatizability of impossible futures: preorder versus equivalence. Software Engineering [SEN]. CWI.