We present a process algebra for modeling and reasoning about Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) and their protocols. In our algebra we model the essential modeling concepts of ad hoc networks, i.e. local broadcast, connectivity of nodes and connectivity changes. Connectivity and connectivity changes are modeled implicitly in the semantics, which results in a more compact state space. Our connectivity model supports unidirectional links. A key feature of our algebra is eliminating connectivity information from the specification of a network, and transferring its complexity to the semantics. We give a formal operational semantics for our process algebra, and define equivalence relations on protocols and networks. We show how our algebra can be applied to prove correctness of an adhoc routing protocol.
A. Cerone , S. Gruner
IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods
Software Analysis and Transformation

Ghassemi, F., Fokkink, W., & Movaghar, A. (2008). Restricted broadcast process theory. In A. Cerone & S. Gruner (Eds.), Proc. 6th Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (pp. 345–354). IEEE.