One of the recent and exciting developments in mainstream art history is its confrontation with the cognitive sciences and neurology. This study is based on the problems these disciplines face before they can contribute to each other. We inspect several critical issues resulting from this encounter, especially in the context of the recently developing field of neuroesthetics. We argue that it is the language barrier between the disciplines, rather than any fundamental conceptual divison, that causes the lack of understanding on both sides. Shared terms in arts and neuroscience are elusive, and the different connotations of extant terms in these separate disciplines must be addressed. We propose technoscience art as a ground where joint terminology may be developed, an audience familiar to the concerns of both sides can be formed, and a new generation of scientifically-knowledgeable artists and scientists can interact for their mutual benefit.
Review of General Psychology
Signals and Images

Akdağ Salah, A. A., & Salah, A. A. (2008). Technoscience Art: A Bridge between Neuroesthetics and Art History?. Review of General Psychology, 12(2), 147–158.