Database applications using large vector data are often supported by spatial index structures to locate spatially related objects. An important query class deals with finding related object pairs under a distance function. %, i.e. those %spatially close to a given point. , like nearest neighbors. In this paper we demonstrate that a light-weight indexing structure, based on the metric properties derived from the distance function, is often sufficient to support this important class. It is of particular importance as a temporary search accelerator while processing complex queries. Moreover, it can be used to speed up point and region queries for low selectivities and, presumably, highly-skewed spaces.

B.M. ter Haar , D.H.J. Epema , F.F.M. Tonino , A.A. Wolters
Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging
Database Architectures

Nes, N., Quak, W., & Kersten, M. (1998). Metric Indexing to Improve Distance Joins. In B. M. ter Haar, D. H. J. Epema, F. F. M. Tonino, & A. A. Wolters (Eds.), Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging 1998 (ASCI 0) (pp. 133–139).